Friday, June 19, 2009

Welcome to Community Swap Shop

Welcome to We hope you will find the site a wonderful, one stop shop, safe and fun place to buy, sell and trade goods and services in your area. Our goal is to provide you with a place where you can focus on a particular area, find a house or apartment, find a job, buy that used dining room set from your neighbor down the street, call a local plumber and swap tomatoes for cucumbers with someone in your own community. We are committed to supporting local businesses and community members and your experience with us is important. Our site is newly launched so bear with us while we increase traffic, post more listings and add local businesses and additional features. Many of our members have already made some extra money and found some great deals and the site is getting rave reviews for it's ease of use and focus on local communities. The site is up and running in Wilmington, NC and will soon launch in Lowell, MA. It takes us only a few minutes to launch a site once we have a good fan base in that region so tell your friends, family, neighbors and colleagues! Email us at and let us know what region you would like to see us in.

Membership on the site is FREE and advertising rates are extremely reasonable. Community Swap Shop, Inc. will take a portion of our proceeds to fund charitable and non profit organizations on local levels that have some sort of global impact.

Please check out our links to websites such as to support your local farmers and farmer's markets and to find recycling centers near you. Both sites require a zip code to find resources in your area. Real estate and job listings will be coming soon!

And finally, we know those big websites have way more stuff than we do right now. So go ahead and list your items on there but give us a try too. You just might find that your items are easier to find and therefore quicker to sell (or buy), you'll be supporting your local community and there's no shipping, surprises or hopefully safety issues to deal with. And please support our local advertisers. Small businesses are the heart of our communities and when they do well the greater economy does well.

Feel free to send comments or suggestions to us at We look forward to keeping you updated and seeing you on our site.

All the best,
Terry E.
Community Swap Shop, Inc.